
PM Writing 2 Turquoise-Purple 18-19 Drums




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底下是 PM Writing 2 Turquoise-Purple 18-19 Drums 的內容簡介


Levels 18/19 Turquoise/Purple

Key learning Area Art and Music

Theme Musical Instruments

Title How Drums Are Played

Text Type Explanation

Pages 2–9

Text Form Technical Writing

Genre Non-fiction

Purpose To explain how or why something occurs

Text Structure

Identifying Statement: Tells what is to be explained (Pages 2–3)

Explanation Sequence: Tells about a series of events in order of time or cause and effect (Pages 4–8)

Concluding Statement: Draws all the information together (Page 9)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. drum, instrument, person)

?Pronouns (e.g. it, they)

?Adjectives (e.g. hollow, different)

?Present tense verbs (e.g. plays, moves, makes)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. with other instruments)

Title How to Make a Drum Kit

Text Type Procedure

Pages 10–16

Text Form Instructions

Genre Non-fiction

Purpose To provide instructions about how to make or do something

Text Structure

Goal: Outlines what is to be achieved (Page 10)

Materials: Specifies the materials needed to achieve the goal (Pages 10–11)

Steps: Lists the steps in order of sequence (Pages 12–16)

Language Features

?Nouns (e.g. box, bucket, plate)

?Pronouns (e.g. it, them)

?Adjectives (e.g. large, coloured, small, )

?Present tense verbs (e.g. decorate, put, tape)

?Adverbial phrases (e.g. next to the tin)

  • 出版社:東華

  • 出版日期:2015/04/13
  • 語言:繁體中文

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